It is quite flattering to discover my art and photography on various sites - there's just one little thing that bothers me about this sometimes, and that is when there is a lack of acknowledgement that it is my art. You see art takes time, emotional and financial commitment, going to classes, experimenting with technique, more classes, love and attention - to develop, to create. It's kind of like sending your baby out to the world when you finally complete a canvas. Can you see why I'm big on giving credit where credit is due?
I recently discovered my Hawaiian Angel Art on Pinterest, linked to another site, hmmmm... anyhows... this artwork was actually a christening present that I made for my little neice Ashleigh a few years ago... on it has a bible verse 'Behold I send you an angel to guard you on your way'.
So if you'd like your own angel - do drop me a line - and you're most welcome to share my art, and I just ask please give credit where credit is due. Mahalo