An art journal is a place that you can doodle, draw, paint, collect images, stick in ideas - little things you see that you like such as postcards or stickers, bookmarks, flyers from art galleries... whatever you want - put it in there. An art journal can be where you collect images that you find inspiring, may one day want to paint like, may be doodles that you develop into art, it's somewhere that is just for you. No one else need look at it if you don't want them to.
Gratitude Journal Page
So where do you start? Start with a blank journal, or some blank pages that you can put into a folder, start with an old book and paint over the pages. It doesn't matter - really - it is totally your call.
I use blank art journals A4 size that I got from our local office suppliers, acrylic painting pads and watercolour painting pads. I use the acrylic painting pads for when I want to play around and develop an idea, as the paper is very tolerant of being painted over and over again. Ordinary paper tends to tear if you use too much paint or too much water.
Water colour pads are great for light watercolours - the cheaper ones are not very tolerant of too much enthusiasm in brush technique, but it really depends on your budget, how much you wish to spend to start out with.
I invite you to start - with a permission slip - this is just one way to do a permission slip but there are hundreds of ways to do one... give yourself permission to start doodling, buying supplies, playing, having an art space.
What is your favourite beverage? Doodle a cup of tea, draw and then paint a favourite tea cup or one that you've seen in a tea house. Draw and paint a cup of coffee cup or drink.
Journal your hobby.
Your dream vacation space.
A pair of shoes you'd love to wear.
Favourite quote
Imagine yourself as your favourite book character.
Use a background from a magazine that you love, stick it in your journal then paint over it.
Use a face from a magazine, then back ground objects from other magazines, paint quotes or write a story about your images.
Imagine a room where it is peaceful what is in the room? What colours? Journal about this.
Draw a heart on a page, now write in the heart the names of people you deeply care about. In the center of the heart write your name.
Journal about the things around you in this present moment.
Open a book that you like at a random page, allow your eyes to rest on a word, then journal that word.
If you hear a saying that has resonated with you, journal that saying.
Journal about your garden, a plant or tree that you love.
Journal about your pet, or an animal you love.
Journal about what you appreciate in your life.
Journal about what you hope for our world.